
I am Malcom Li

About me

A strapping young lad with an interest in machine learning, software development, and product management

I am currently in my fourth year studying computer engineering at the University of Waterloo. From youth I have always been interested in technology and that interest has blossomed throughout the years. I have participated in many hackathons, worked firsthand in the industry, and built several projects in my free time.

I have experienced working as a full stack developer and worked on many interesting projects related to virtual reality, machine learning, and natural language processing. In my free time I love to play tennis, bike, swim, hike, and travel.

Take a gander at my portfolio, I hope you enjoy!

Censor Me

A chrome extension used to filter out unwanted concepts and text using the HPE Haven API. The goal is to improve user experience on the web, by enabling anybody to block out unwanted content from webpages. We strived to be able to not only censor out words, but to be able to detect unwanted concepts as well.

The chrome extension is used to store filters and keep track of the user's current webpage. HPE Haven's text and concept extraction is used to retrieve the concepts of the current webpage. Cortical.IO is used to do a semantic comparison between the user filtered concepts and the concepts extracted from the webpage. An algorithm is applied to calculate whether or not the concept has been detected on the page, and the user would be notified if the concept has been detected.

Technology Used: Node.JS, Javascript, HPE Haven, Cortical API

Answer Me This

Answer Me This is an app that harnesses the Twillio and Wolfram API to enable users to get answers from a large variety of questions with no internet connectivity. The goal of this app was to allow people from third world countries to get the answers they need without being crippled by the lack of internet connectivity.

We drew inspiration from an article which talked about the impact mobile devices were making in third world countries, such as Africa. Mobile development in these countries are increasing by the second and we wanted to take part in that development. A user can text the application a question such as; integrate x^2, 2+4, plot(logx), and many other mathematical questions. Users can also ask for dictionary definitions, nutrional facts, scientific definitions, and many other categories. Once the text has been received, the application will parse the question and text the solution back to the user. This is all done by making a request to Wolfram and parsing the data into a readable SMS or MMS message.

Won Best use of Wolfram API at Hack Western 2

Technology Used: Node.JS, Wolfram API, Twilio

Battle Hacks 2015

The problem my team wanted to tackle was the difficulty of travel and finding permanent residency. Choosing where to stay when travelling or finding permanent residence can prove to be very difficult. Although they may have an idea of which country or city they're looking for, it is difficult to determine exactly which neighbourhood they should move to.

By analyzing the data found in Toronto Open Data, we successfully displayed important information of each neighbourhood to help people make a decision. We display information such as crime rates, average pricing, business oppuritunities, etc. Some of the data being displayed, such as crime rate, can be also updated via email or sms. Push notifications show up on the web client when the data has been updated.

Technology Used: Node.JS, Heroku, Twillio


Serenity is an app that presents a method for helping people cope with mental disorders, such as anxiety, stress, and depression. The goal of Serenity is to create an environment where people suffering from mental disorder can find peace and gain insight through self-analysis.

By using the Oculus Rift to render a virtual world for the user, they are able to transport themselves into a calming and relaxing environment. This is followed by step-by-step instructions on our site, so that they can do a self-analysis using standard questions therapists ask. The entry is then submitted to our server, so users can keep a history of their logs.

Technology Used: Unity, Oculus Rift, Node.JS

Spitfire Ronnie

A Bluetooth controlled Adruino robot built during the SEEK robotics competition. The goal of this project was to build a battle ready robot within 6 hours with limited resources.

The robot was built with 2 DC motors, 2 Servos motors, and driven by an arduino with a bluetooth receiver.

Technology Used: C++(Arduino)